Thursday, September 16, 2010

Interview with Jeff

Today i got to sit down with Jeff from our thesis class and got to interview him on his likes, dislikes, and even some insight into his upcoming thesis project.

C:  What media do you primarily try and focus in on?
J:  photography a lot.
C:  Do you think that you have a central theme or something that runs through your work?  Or are you all over the place?
J: I don't know,  I'm not really sure...
C:  What about like a special contrast that you like to develop, like really white and blown out, or colorful.
J:  I like hight contrast.
C:  So almost like a stencil effect.
J:  Oh yeah.
C: Umm...what sort of photographer are you into?
J:  (Pauses)  Too many.
C:  Ha
J:  Well i got some work here if you wanna check some out...

We both looked over about seven or so large black and white photographs of the urban landscapes of New Brunswick.

C:  So this is almost like... umm... I don't know the term... like the focus is in the middle?
J:  Yeah, its like a tilt shift kinda thing, where you are like distorting the image.
C: Reminds me of film stills from Tarantino flicks where like half the screen in out of focus... aw thins one is nice... where were you at?
J: All around town.
C: It looks like a toy town.
J:  All of these I was on parking garages.
C:  Yeah?  All in brunswick.
J: Yes.

Then we looked over the images, naming where they had been taken and what the focus did to the image as we remembered it.

C:  I like how it gets really blurry down here, like these boxes that are formed from the blurring of buildings...  So you lie mostly landscapes in your work?
J:  I guess so.
C:  Rather than like a subject or something.
J:Yeah, I like taking shots of people...but mostly people I don't know.  So it gets kinda awkward after a while, and they are staring me down.
C: I can't get over the way they come across as toys.
J:  Yeah, I really tried to emphasize the distortion.
C:  The streets really help with that.  What do you like better as far as photo or regular.
J:  I used to like digital because of the simplicity.. but now that I'm used to it I like film better.
C:  Anything else you like to work in?
J: I love to draw I'm just not that good at it.
C:  So what you think about thesis?  Got any ideas?
J:  Well I went traveling this summer,  and i found myself focusing in on public spaces a lot.  And how they differ from country to country.  And how people use them for what they were built for.
C:  You mean like in a town square way... or college ave.?
J:  More like a town square, but it is open.
C:  In photo?
J:  Not sure yet, want to incorporate design in it since it is what i study.
C:  More of what?
J:  Probably more design... i was thinking of maybe designing my own public area.
C:  More solid or...
J:  Probably on a wall.
C:  And theme aspect.
J:  Just about the way people think of a public space for now, ya know.  How people move in them.  Mostly focus on the architecture probably.
C:  And that rigid, design format will play right into graphic desgin.
J:  Yea.
C:  Well good luck on your project man.
J: you Too.

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